The Course

Claim Your Power: Own Your Time and Space

Day One

Saturday 5 October. New Moon; 6 Rabbit

Locating Yourself in Your Body in Time and Space

Today we start to outline the basic cartography of the multidimensional cosmos and the tapestry of time. We start by talking about the significance of 2012: What happened and what is happening? What does it mean to be in a new era? How has the environment changed? Why time and space is changing.

  • Comprehending the yearly cyclical flow of culture and self
  • Recognizing the reality of the units of time, starting with the day
  • Understanding the difference between the civil calendar we currently use (the Gregorian calendar) and the body-based calendar of natural cycles. Become conscious of the varying frequencies of time
  • Setting space, reconfiguring space and dedicating space; understanding the scales of our environmental spaces and their influence upon us
  • Working with the Enchantment Principle and the gateways in time and space that we are constantly traversing
  • Learning to work with and trust your perception; listen to your own gnosis
  • Using the medicine wheel, accessing the shamanic landscape.


Today’s ceremony will be a journey into your inner landscape.

Day Two

Sunday 13 October. 1 Warrior

Establishing your Sovereignty: Connecting to the Body of Light

Today is about moving into resonance with your sovereignty. This workshop focuses on the holographic resonance of the circle, the toroid and the sphere of light.

  • Establishing our understanding of the essential Solar and Lunar frequencies, both calendrically and energetically
  • Activating a sphere of a light around us as the foundation for all practice
  • Creating and using simple ceremonies as part of the celebration of your life; evoking clear definitions to create structure within the context of the energy available
  • Understanding the various realms and energy domains and how things look different from different positions, giving us all a unique perspective and experience
  • Recognizing how your inner landscape is connected to the external environment
  • Investigating the sevenfold principle and resonance, including the seven-day week as a ‘safe structure’ for normalizing the self in ordinary reality; developing the ability to shift in and out of different calendar frequencies
  • Flowing with the moon cycle and the emotional current, consciously honouring your basic emotions as the foundation for liberating the self from conditioning and accepting the current emotional energy.


In today’s ceremony, you will empower yourself with light by activating the light sphere of your energy and consciousness, bringing it fully into your inner landscape.

Day Three

Saturday 19 October. Full Moon; 7 Wind

Drawing from the Well: Replenishing Your Energy

Today we work with the organic flow of the creative cycle, recognizing the continuous flow of life, in order to flow with life. We will consciously connect to the ocean of limitless energy, from where everything is drawn—in the ocean of the cosmos we are nodes, transducers of universal life force. This truth is in accord with the new emerging cosmology of the electric universe and plasma physics.

We are all unique in essence, but subject to universal energies. We can be pulled about all over the place by these universal energies, like a piece of flotsam in the ocean, or we can be conscious of the universal energies that we are indeed subject to, actively navigating the streams and currents.

Sovereign power, which is that of the individual’s own domain, is drawn from life. We cannot control the collective environment, but we can work with it, using it in accord with our own character. This is creativity: Receiving the flow, channelling it and colouring it as we express it.

In this workshop, we will be examining the fractal flow described by the Ouroboros, the toroid and the stream of involution.


Today we will focus on three experiential components: two ceremonies and one practice.

In the first ceremony, we will rejuvenate, clear space and step out of the current of world time. You will reboot your system, based on the natural fractal of cyclical flow.

The second ceremony will connect you to your power animal for protection, guidance, healing and grounding in nature, strengthening your connection to the domain of shamanism that is inherent within the natural world.

The practice today is an intuitive qigong–based practice that will enable you to feel the viscosity of energy. This is a very simple yet profound practice that forms the foundation for the Liquid Lightbody (which we will explore in Day Five).

As the course progresses, we will integrate our connections to time, space and our life force energy, utilizing multiple approaches that synthesize into a reservoir of sovereign power.

Day Four

Saturday 26 October. 1 Water

Navigation: Riding the Corridors of Time

Today we will connect to the soul’s internal rhythm of creativity. This workshop focuses upon the Mayan Sacred Calendar. This adds a whole new dimension to our growing understanding of time and enables a more direct access to the creative cycle of our existence, enabling you to engage with the emerging consciousness of the 2012 era for yourself.

The calendrical system of the Maya was developed through shamanic visionary investigation and astronomical observation. At the heart of the magnificent and intricate interlocking calendrical system, which measures a vast array of planetary influences, is the 260-day count, known as the Sacred Calendar, or Tzolkin. The 260-day count is the fractal constant of all cosmic cycles and gives us a more immediate connection to the energies gestating in our life, the rhythm of the soul. The Tzolkin is beautiful, intuitive, archaic, timeless and resonantly futuristic as it synchronizes all planetary and galactic cycles with human life.

Today you will be introduced to your Mayan birth chart and the Mayan astrological system. You will gain a deeper understanding of the holographic nature of existence within all time cycles. Learn how to follow the Tzolkin in an easy and enjoyable manner. By doing this, you will enrich your life through simple observation as the 260-day count gradually comes alive in your experience.


In today’s ceremony, you will call upon and meet your Timelord, your own master spirit guide who has a specific function to guide you in your journey of working with time and space.

Day Five

Saturday 2 November. 8 Warrior

Stepping Down Your Consciousness into the Terrestrial Realm

Today we will continue to work with the Mayan Sacred Calendar and connect to the descending energies inherent within the Tzolkin in an experiential manner.

  • Drawing upon your Mayan birth chart, you will work with your life purpose and soul contract in a creative and experiential manner
  • Implementing and establishing your sovereign domain in accord with the perpetual nature of creativity.


Today we will hold two ceremonies and one practice. The ceremonies are designed for you to meet the Daykeepers from your Mayan birth chart and to interact directly with your birth blueprint.

The Liquid Lightbody practice: Working with your emotions on a higher level. Using intuitive qigong and our cartography of the energy field, we will activate the Liquid Lightbody. The Liquid Lightbody practice, which was the pinnacle of my shamanic exploration throughout the 1990s, enables you to reactivate an innocent appreciation and awe for life. The realm of the Liquid Lightbody—which is connected to the Middle Dantian, to the assemblage point of the Toltecs and to the heart—is the bridge between Heaven and Earth.

Day Six

Sunday 3 November. Dark Moon; 9 Earthmover

Weaving and Calibrating the Luminous Body: Utilizing Your Tools

Today we pull it all together and plant the seed within you to enable an organic transformation of your life that fits with your everyday life as it is now.

Where are we all headed? The human species is evolving towards a planetary civilization; this is on our horizon. A planetary civilization is congruent with planetary consciousness for the individual. Each of us has a unique path in this journey. Each of us has a unique expression of the planetary consciousness.

However, there are generic universal structures; each level of development has its own ‘laws’. The laws are implicit within the corresponding frequency structure. As we come to the end of this course we will understand how the measurement of time, and therefore space, defines the frequency.

We will once again look at the Enchantments of Life as a primer for today’s first ceremony, which is to active the consciousness of the Enchantments within the Holographic Liquid Lightbody.


Today we will hold two ceremonies. The first ceremony will include the Liquid Lightbody energy practice to activate the Enchantments Spheres.

In today’s second ceremony, you will call upon your spirit allies to assist you in developing practices that are in accord with your own unique expression, yet which honour the contextual structure of your life as it is. The intention is to empower yourself with new habits that reinforce connection and a creative approach to life.  In this ceremony you will download your own transformational process as a holographic form.

Through experiential practices and concepts, this course has now supplied you with the ability to weave the substance of time and space into your awareness. This integrated awareness, which is the tapestry of consciousness, or the body of light, will enable you to shift your emotional state, when appropriate, and to positively navigate the constantly changing terrain of the post-2012 environment.

Here is a downloadable interactive PDF version of the course details.
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© Copyright Laurence James Lucas; Spring 2013, updated September 2013
Website design: White Wolf Productions